Sunday, August 19, 2012

Feelin' Good!

Good ole collard greens.
Eats em in the mornin,
Eats em in the night.
Eats em all day -
Makes me feel jes right!

We used to sing this at the simple log cabin of the African American cook of the local Girl Scout camp near Suffok, Virginia. The staff would congregate for a party there on the days between camp sessions.

We sang, danced, laughed, told jokes - learned a lot of good country wisdom. Fun, food and fellowship with Real People that're few and far between on this ole planet!

I'm basically a country hick at heart.

Sure, I've done the Regency Hotel power breakfast and had my extra dry martinis at Bemelman's Bar.

I can talk Caribbean resorts, European hotels and high falutin' couture with the best of them.

But what I really love is the good earth, fish, birds, animals and a slow pace with sun, gentle rain, and the regular, trusted patterns of the planet, stars, sun and moon.

You find peace and feel-goodness in unexpected ways.

Simple radio talk by truck drivers in the middle of the night, as they plow alone across prairies and mountain roads.

Chatter of night security guards, keeping America safe.

I remember my own hours of night driving, up the steep mountain from Chattanooga to Sewanee, fog so thick you couldn't see the yellow line in front of your headights.

Suns setting behind western mountains.

Wiggling your toes with the friendly fishes at Grand Cayman.

Counting the points of the two Dippers on Lake Prince, Virginia.

Sitting on a bench over the East River, counting the stream of vessels of every color and origin.

Getting splashed on the majestic giant rocks at Newport, out on the Ocean Drive.

Dancing on waves at Prout's Neck, Maine.

Tell us what is in YOUR memory bank that makes you feel good!!!!!

Thelma J. Straw


  1. Reading this post made me feel good and stop to appreciate what what the day has to offer!! I could add to the list but I think for a few minutes I'll just appreciate what you've put before me!! Lovely!!!

  2. Oh, do share with us, Marge! You do such lovely photos of places all over the world! tjs

  3. I always thought of myself as an urban girl. I love the opera, art museums, architecture. Then I went to the African wilderness about ten years ago. My soul grew. And I lost my heart. Now I am a woman divided! I am here where I have always been happiest, and i am content, but when I see or hear a reminder of there, I long to go home!

  4. AM, would love to read a blog on your African wilderness!! tjs
