Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Posse of Thriller-Makers Rides Into Town…

It was no accident that Bob Schieffer, one of my favorite TV men on the planet, featured some of America's top Thriller Writers on his program the Sunday before Thrillerfest!

ThrillerFest IX, July 8-12, 2014, the annual conference of the International Thriller Writers, met in New York City this past week, featuring Scott Turow as ThrillerMaster, at the 10th Anniversary of ITW, showcasing the world's most prolific and popular authors of this modern genre, including—many of YOU—and our favorite M.D., Doug Lyle, as CraftFest Director and the world's largest gathering of top literary agents, publishers, editors and producers—each "Looking for the Next Big Thing!"

I was fascinated to learn that Bob and Sandra Brown were old friends and colleagues, both having come from Texas (and still keep their accents!). The writers were all well-spoken and very articulate. Who ever said writers are not gifted talkers? Not moi! In fact, both Lee Child and David Ignatius stated they came from a TV background.

I made notes on some of the comments of these seasoned writers and would like to share them here with you:

  • Reading is an escape - a relaxation. Start a novel with what is real… and a WHAT IF… (Mary Higgins Clark has always been right about that one!)
  • Put a little different spin on something REAL....
  • Have a realistic WORLD!
  • How is the main character going to CHANGE in this story?
  • Reading a book… is to shut out the rest of the world… when cell/smart phones and zillions of contraptions intrude!

So, my friends, and beloved fellow writers, here's what the Thriller Experts send around the globe . May we all stay allied to one another and help and support our fellow writers toiling in the huge world of publishing mystery stories!

Thelma Straw


  1. Very aptly put Thelma!! In your posts I also either learn something new or get reminded of something that has slipped out of my mind!! Thanks!!

  2. Thanks, Margaret. There was a detailed review and assessment of the whole Thrillerfest event on Dorothy L yesterday by someone who came in from out of town. If you're interested, worth the read. tjs

  3. I wish to pay a tribute to the life of Jerry Gross, who passed away last week, author of Editors on Editing and a lovely person to work with, always ready to lend a helping hand to new writers... Thelma Straw
