Friday, July 20, 2012

Find the Little Dresses You Need Right Now

I opened my email this morning only to be exhorted by one of those shopping sites I can't seem to stay away from to find the little dresses I need right now, because it's still summer. Yes! The little dresses! It's been a few summers since I could get into most of them, but I think I have a couple under the bed, covered with cat hair, and maybe I need them right now. Or maybe I'll just let them lie there.

Or did they mean the dresses they were offering on the site? It could be that I need them right now, but worse than the dresses I need the three hundred dollars apiece they want to charge me for them.

What do you wear in the dog days of summer? Other than sunscreen. What do you wear when you write? When you surf the net? Does it lift your spirits to gussie up in a sweet little frock (or a sharp tropical shirt, for you boys out there)? Or do you pig it in yesterday's underwear? What effect does your clothing have on your work? Find those little dresses, folks.

As for me, I'm not going to tell you what I'm wearing right now. Cloak of charity and all that.

Kate Gallison

(Little dresses from ShopBop)


  1. We see ourselves as we were 1000 years ago re clothing fits! Today I got a US P O package of a blouse I'd ordered - was afraid it might be too big. Ha Ha Ha on moi ... I could barely get it on!!! Well, life goes on and the size is not important. It is what the inner you is!! ( Ha HA Ha ) Thelma

  2. My favorite clothes for writing are VERY old, very soft t-shirts and sweat pants, frayed around the edges with the feel on my skin of pajamas. And bare feet. But I have to go to the library to find peace and quiet and the books I need to learn my background history. So I dress myself up for midtown NYC. I even put on lipstick. But once I am in that marble palace of free knowledge, I am in paradise and I never think about my clothes until I have to take the bus back home.
